Xin Lian Apartment low-rise apartment, has a total area of 1,780sqm, 35% of the compound is a green area. Residents who enjoy walks along tree-lined streets will want to choose to live here. Property is a few minutes walk to commercial buildings, shopping, specialty stores, spas, bars, and other amenities. Heating and air systems are in good condition. Furnishings are modern and new. Has a very good location (Huaihai Business Center) with various facilities nearby offers convenient living.
Features & Facilities
24-hour Management
Satellite TV
Located on Huaihai Middle Road, near Bao Qing Road, close to Shanghai Library and Metro line1 of Changshu Road Station.
Disclaimer: The property information and pictures are only for your reference. The availability of all properties shown on website must be verified with the landlord, due to the rate of market turnover is very high.